Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mother Love More Milk Plus Product Review

More Milk Plus (liquid)
I tested out Mother Love's More Milk Plus liquid supplement in hopes to boost my pumping supply which was starting to tank drastically. 

About the product: 

The ingredients include Fenugreek, blessed thistle, nettle, and fennel seed.
you take 1 ml 4 times a day unless you weigh 175 lbs or more then you take 2 ml 3 times a day. It is cautioned to take liquids 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after taking the supplement to maximize results. 

What I liked about the product:

I liked the ease of use. I am not a huge pill taker and thought of having to swallow 3 huge pills 3 times a day freaks me out. This was a simple drop in the mouth and then that was it. I carried it in my purse while I was out and about to make sure that I took it and at work I kept it in my pump bag to make sure that I kept up my regiment at work. With consistent use I did see an upswing in supply in about 3 days. I have heard from other mothers that fenugreek made their children gassy and made them smell like maple syrup but that did not happen when taking this product thank goodness!!!!

What I did not like about the product:

My first turn off was the price. For a small 7oz  bottle it cost me $20. I was thinking maybe $10 but the $20 price shocked me. If you are in a pinch this may not be a good option unless you can find it some where on sale. My second turn off is that it is not sold in very many chain stores around me. I had to actually seek out a friend who sold it at her local shop. My third turn off is the taste. It is a horrible tasting product and the fact that you can not take it with something or chase it with something immediately afterwards was a little a it of torture. The taste lingered the whole 15 minutes until I could drink anything! it tasted like rubbing alcohol mixed with dirt. If you can not get passed the taste this may not be the product for you. 


Mother Love is a good brand and their products worked well for me. Besides the taste, the product is good and it worked for me with in 3 days of taking the proper dosages as instructed on the label. With all herbal based products it is not 100% effective for all mothers but I did have good luck with it and it did not bother my nursling at all.

Patricia's Breastfeeding Journey

Hello mommies!!

My name is Patricia and I'm a 24 year old single mom to an energetic, beautiful and happy baby boy Neko! I would like to tell my story of how we've made it to 9 months of EBF with no supplementing, I'm an attachment parenting and co-sleeping mama and hope this helps even at least one single mother or even a married mother who may have reservations for breastfeeding or want to discontinue!

Let me start by saying it's been a hell of a road. Since I was pregnant last year I've had to overcome many hurdles. Taking care of my son solely by myself is hard. His father is not involved by any means, my own family hasn't given the support I've needed mentally and I've only been able to count on 3 close friends to make it this far, even to this day it's still the same! Breastfeeding can be draining too. There have been maaaany people who have tried to talk me out of breastfeeding and even now because he's almost 1 and "should be drinking juice and cow’s milk" "breastfeeding is an inconvenience is much easier to just prop a bottle up so I can get stuff done" or the one I hate most "I couldn't breast feed. I don't want my titties to get saggy" REALLY!? You're 'titties' will be sagging well into your late forties any damn way! I ignored all those comments and just stuck with my decision to breast feed.

When I saw my son for the first time it just felt natural. I produced milk to feed and nurture MY baby. It's just amazing!! The first 6 weeks were extremely hard between growth spurts, lack of sleep and support and not knowing how much I could take but, if it were not for Dominique Gallo who I've known for 14 years, my other 2 close friends and 2 breast feeding groups I wouldn't have overcame that hurdle. I've been through the stares of random on lookers to my own family telling me I need to use a cover even when you see no nipple or the skin of my breast. 

Many don't agree with attachment parenting (always carrying baby even when it's just crying to be picked up) but my son is HAPPY and HEALTHY! He's more independent now an only cries when he's sleepy. Co sleeping is a breeze! Imagine having to wake up to a screaming baby in the middle of the night, your spouse too lazy or tired to get up and get a  bottle ready (or even if you're a single mom), with breastfeeding you can sleep bare from the top and roll over an give baby a breast and you both fall right back asleep! It's super safe! So please don't let uneducated old school or even people who simply don't agree because it interferes in their sex time tell you none of this is a good idea. I can promise you its well worth it!  It's a challenge that not many moms are up for. Whether it is like me which is lack of support, scared you may not be able to handle it or produce enough, think it may take too much... Listen if no one has your back in this. WE DO. If you're unfamiliar with breastfeeding and all that it entails WE can teach you or route you to someone who's more educated in lactation , if you think your breast will sag THEY WILL WHEN YOU'RE OLD ANYWAYS feed that baby them yummy chocolate Milkies! Lol. 
Baby Neko, 9 months

Whatever fears you have we all will do our absolute best to help you overcome them. It's been the most amazing bond and I've accomplished a lot being his mom. He chose ME. So why wouldn't I give him all of me? My milk has produced a happy child who's now 9 months and 20 pounds and 27 1/2 inches! Now the height comes from my family but still! Haha. It's sooo worth it mommy! You can do it! Not every moms experience will be the same but we all support each other's struggles, choice and baby. You've got this and we got your back.  :-)

Thank you for sharing your story with us Patricia! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Who Cares if Black Women Breastfeed or Not?

This is blog/ website is a support page for all the mothers who choose to breastfeed their babies because in this world where somehow formula has become the normal way for feeding a baby, breast feeders are lost and unsure what to do. While this page can be used to gain knowledge for all mothers, it is dedicated to black mothers.

Why are black mothers so important? I’m not biased because of my own race of course but there is some disparity here that needs to come to light that many do not talk about or even care about. Some still do not know that there is a problem. So why is it important? Because:

The national average of breastfeeding initiation is 75% but only 59% of black mothers are initiated breastfeeding in the hospital. This is on the upswing but it is still low compared to the 75% of white women that breastfeed and the 80% of Hispanics. By 6 months postpartum only 21.9% mothers are breastfeeding and by 1 year only 12.5 % compared to the 23% average.

Black infants are 2.5 times as likely to die compared to their white counterparts and some of these deaths could have been prevented had the mother been breastfeeding.

This blog/website is all a support page to support positive birth outcomes for all mothers but especially black mothers. There is more disparity here and I think it needs to be talked about more. Positive birth outcomes for black mothers are important because:

1/3 babies born in the Unites States will be born via cesarean section (c-section) this is incredibly high but even more alarming is that among black women their rate is 34%. Higher than the national average! Black women are more likely to birth a baby with low birth weight (13.6%) and black women are 3 times more likely to suffer maternal death compared to white women. This should not be happening in a country where there are so many advancements…..

I am not sure how we in the United States got this far BUT I do think if we come together we can create a change.

So here I am. I plan to educate via posting up-to-date information on birth and breastfeeding in hopes that I reach lots of mothers on their parenting journeys and some health workers to make their journeys easier. I plan to blog about my journeys and how I got to be where I am. I plan to post (with permission of course) other mother's birth stories and breastfeeding journeys to help encourage more mothers to speak up, feel empowered, offer some healing and love, and hopefully aid in bringing these numbers down so that all the babies can be fed they way they expect and so that mothers can have better birth out comes.

I am Dominique Gallo and I am Chocolate Milk Kisses ;)

Citation: Center for Diases Control and Prevention , Child Health USA