Friday, November 14, 2014

Time for Lift Off

So as most of you all know I am now a certified lactation consultant. It was a long and tough road to get here but I am here and I am loving every moment of it!

Since becoming certified I have started to see private consultations. I will say this... I am in LOVE with this and I WISH I could do this full time!!!! I love going to mamas' houses and seeing them all settled and relaxed holding their wee ones and I get to sit right next to them and converse casually with them and their families all while watching baby behave  naturally in mom's arms. All so very comfortable and less medical. I am able to get babies to feed more readily and cooperate a ton better then I can here, at my work office, and the mothers are more relaxed and less frazzled. The older kids are comfortable and playing happily instead being a distraction to mom and baby (which is normal when they are bored). I find that when I visit families at their homes the dad's are more receptive and they are more hands on then in the office and I am finding even more supportive.

Its just something about being at home!

I visited with a mom and we chatted about the news, the weather, her birth, the hospital food, and older children and how receptive they were of the new baby and her fears about going back to work until she realized that baby was nursing and there was no pain! She was so relaxed and laid back she had no idea I had positioned baby tummy to tummy with her (even though I asked her if I could position baby) and that I had deepened baby's latch in the process. She called me "stealth helper" hahahaha I am okay with that.

This is how it should be so comfortable and casual and laid back.

I do dream of one day working in the hospital setting or maybe in a pediatric office full time so that I would not have to charge mama's directly for my services, or if maybe all insurances covered lactation consultant visits I can do home visits full time.

But for now I will continue down my path. I like it so far it feels good!

Here's to start of something good! Hopefully more good in on the way!!!

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